Welcome post, I guess...

It is I, Phyllz. From missdramaqueen to phyllzhime comes LePetiteWanderer. After almost a year of hiatus from regular blogging about fashion and street style, I finally decided to continue on. I love blogging, truthfully, but after what had happened to my longest-running blog MissDramaQueen, I lost my will to blog.

But I still have friends who I met online, through blogging that I look up to and they never fail to amaze me.

And so, for this blog. I will be sharing to you what I do in this city and my posts will range from personal style to lifestyle. Won't that be interesting? I'll be going to nooks and crannies in this city, the clean part though. And will try to share what I see.

I will also be traveling soon, and I really want to document each moment.

So, wish me luck on this new blog!

Le Petite Wanderer


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Phyllz, a Miami-based blogger who has years of experience in the blogosphere. She' first started as a personal blogger and after several years, slowly transitioned to fashion, personal style, and beauty blogging. Her love for traveling and experiencing new things fuel her desire to write and share.