A New Day Has Come

Remember Celine Dion's single A New Day Has Come back in '02? I do, but that's because it's one of my favorite songs from her. She's an amazing woman and I love her for that. She's one of my favorite people and my idol. 

You're most likely wondering why I'm talking about her? It's actually because of the song. Because for me, a new day has come. The last half of my 2016 was so bad it destroyed me. I lost myself and it was very difficult to face a new day. I tried to distract myself by making myself busy. I focused on work and school. I even stayed away from the business. Just because it was so hard. I gave a toast to my tears, letting the headaches pass the next day. It was bad. I was destroying myself. 

But I realized that all of those things were in the past and there was nothing I could change. I learned to accept reality. And that was... things will never go back to the way they were. It will never be. I made myself busy, learning to love things again, appreciating them more. 

And I succeeded.

 I am at peace with my self. I accepted my flaws entirely, and I learned how to smile, again. That was then I realized that I've become stronger.

Then, I had thought that 2016 was the worst year of my entire existence. I was ready to believe that... until a glimmer of hope slowly approached. I had doubts, but I literally told myself, "Phyllis, go for it. You're not getting any younger. If it doesn't work, it doesn't. But if it does then you're one lucky lady."

A new day has come, literally.

"I was waiting for so long, for a miracle to come."

This glimmer of hope helped me realize so many things. This hope is a person and he's done so many things I've always wished someone would do for me. Things that I never would expect for someone to do for me. I am always in awe, and surprised everyday. I'd end up smiling out of the blue. Sometimes, it makes me cry (joyfully tearing up) just thinking about it because it's very important. He's become very important to me. He has made me the happiest I could be. Well, that makes him my inspiration to keep going, to keep facing the challenges that's thrown in front of me. 

A new day has come, and new days will always come. 

And to this person, you are the light in the darkness I was trapped in. I am, in yours.
And again, thank you. 

"I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love."

Te amo,
Phyllz, le petite wanderer, le petit amant


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Phyllz, a Miami-based blogger who has years of experience in the blogosphere. She' first started as a personal blogger and after several years, slowly transitioned to fashion, personal style, and beauty blogging. Her love for traveling and experiencing new things fuel her desire to write and share.