
I will always love the sea when it looks like this. I may be afraid of fish and other sea creatures, except for dolphins (they're my favorite), but I love to swim in the ocean. I love the water and how it caresses my body. Sometimes making me float, or if it's deep, I'm able to just stay in between.

The water calms me down, relaxes me.

This was taken with my iphone in a waterproof bag.

And then there's me.
I am grateful for a beautiful weather South Florida have been graced during this winter season.

Le Petite Wanderer


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Phyllz, a Miami-based blogger who has years of experience in the blogosphere. She' first started as a personal blogger and after several years, slowly transitioned to fashion, personal style, and beauty blogging. Her love for traveling and experiencing new things fuel her desire to write and share.