Feeling Awkward: Hashtag OOTD

There, I think I fixed the size of the image. I'm blogging through my phone so I'm not sure how it really turns out when using a browser. 

But this is my outfit for school. South Florida isn't hot albeit the winter season, but it feels like it is in my classes. The rooms are cold so I have to wear a sweater or jacket all the time. And this outfit is too comfortable. I felt like sleeping in class...

TOP & BOTTOM: Forever 21
SHOES: Charlotte Russe

Le Petite Wanderer


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Phyllz, a Miami-based blogger who has years of experience in the blogosphere. She' first started as a personal blogger and after several years, slowly transitioned to fashion, personal style, and beauty blogging. Her love for traveling and experiencing new things fuel her desire to write and share.