Spring Blues: HASHTAG OOTD

The outfit I wore yesterday, for school, to the movies (went to see Divergent) and hung out at my friend's house. It wasn't cold at all, but I felt extremely cold (sick). Under the sweater is my favorite floral dress, paired with tights and oxfords.

I always know immediately that the seasons are about to change when my nose starts to clog and my asthma comes back. As I write this now, I am really sick. It's so hard to breath and my throat hurts every time I cough. Ahh, this feels so nostalgic. I was a very sickly person when I was a kid. But ever since moving here, I've gone from monthly attacks to yearly attacks.

The last time I was bed-ridden was almost a couple years ago. I just wish I'll be better soon!

One of my best friends, Kyle, said she got bored and painted her headboard.


Someday... what? Just someday...

Indeed someday...

Le Petite Wanderer


  1. I like your outfit here sis. How I wish I can wear this kind of outfit here haha muhkang tanga lang eh ang init haha anyhow get well soon! :)




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Phyllz, a Miami-based blogger who has years of experience in the blogosphere. She' first started as a personal blogger and after several years, slowly transitioned to fashion, personal style, and beauty blogging. Her love for traveling and experiencing new things fuel her desire to write and share.